Seema Haider, a Pakistani woman who slipped into India with her four children to be with her boyfriend, disguised herself as a rural Indian woman and sought expert make-up help, according to intelligence sources. According to insiders, she painstakingly prepared the Indian look and even dressed her children in a similar style to escape discovery by security services.
According to intelligence sources, this form of clothing is frequently used by women involved in human trafficking, particularly those linked with domestic assistance or prostitution rings, when crossing the Indo-Nepal border. Apart from her looks, investigators have discovered that Seema Haider has strong language abilities, which might have been given by Pakistani handlers operating in Nepal.
According to reports, such language instruction is provided to women who are moved across the Nepali border to engage in illicit activities in India. Seema Haider is being investigated by the ATS and the Intelligence Bureau (IB) for alleged links to the Pakistan Army and the country's intelligence organisation, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
In May, she arrived in India on a bus from Nepal with her four children to live with her 22-year-old lover Sachin Meena. The central authorities, however, have been unable to confirm their allegations of entering India over the Indo-Nepal border on May 13. According to intelligence sources, no information has emerged regarding the presence of a third-country person in the Sunauli and Sitamarhi sectors of the Indo-Nepal border on that day.
According to Seema and Sachin, the authorities have studied documents and CCTV video, especially the bus routes near the border on May 13. On July 4, Seema Haider was apprehended by local police for unlawfully entering India, while Sachin Meena was detained for harbouring illegal immigrants. However, on July 7, they were both given bail by a local court and have been residing in Greater Noida with her four children.
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