In recent weeks, Influenza has caused a great deal of trouble in different parts of the country, affecting especially children and old-aged people. Union Health Ministry has issued guidelines in this regard by keeping a close watch on the seasonal Influenza situation in various states through the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) network on real-time basis.
The ministry is also tracking and keeping a close watch on morbidity and mortality due to the H3N2 subtype of the seasonal Influenza. Young children and old age persons with co-morbidities are the most vulnerable groups in context of seasonal influenza. So far, Karnataka and Haryana have confirmed one death each from H3N2 influenza.
Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses, which circulate in all parts of the world, and the cases are seen to increase during certain months globally. India every year witnesses two peaks of seasonal influenza- one, from January to March and other in post monsoon season. The cases arising from seasonal influenza are expected to decline from March end. State surveillance officers are therefore fully geared to meet this public health challenge.
A near real time surveillance of cases of Influenza like Illness (ILI) and Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) presenting in OPDs and IPDs of health facilities is undertaken by Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).
According to the latest data available on IDSP-IHIP (integrated health Information Platform), a total of 3038 laboratory confirmed cases of various subtypes of Influenza including H3N2 have been reported till 9th March 2023 by the states. This includes 1245 cases in January, 1307 in February and 486 cases in March (till 9th March).
Further, the IDSP-IHIP data from health facilities indicate that during the month of January 2023, a total of 397,814 cases of Acute Respiratory Illness/Influenza Like Illness (ARI/ILI) were reported from the country that increased slightly to 436,523 during February, 2023. In the first 9 days of March 2023, this number stands at 133,412 cases.
The corresponding data for admitted cases of severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) is 7041 cases in January 2023, 6919 during February 2023 and 1866 during the first 9 days of March 2023. In 2023, till 28th February, a total of 955 H1N1 cases have been reported. Majority of the H1N1 cases are reported from Tamil Nadu (545), Maharashtra (170), Gujarat (74), Kerala (42) and Punjab (28).
Guidelines on seasonal Influenza, have been issues. MOHFW has provided guidelines on categorization of patients, treatment protocol, and guidelines on ventilatory management to the states/UTs, which are also available on the website of the ministry ( and NCDC ( MOHFW has also advised the state governments for vaccination of health care workers dealing with H1N1 cases.
Oseltamivir is the drug recommended by WHO. The drug is made available through the Public Health System free of cost. Government has allowed sale of Oseltamivir under Schedule H1 of Drug and Cosmetic Act in February 2017 for wider accessibility and availability. Adequate logistics is available with the States. However, in case of any emergencies the Govt. of India has been providing the support to the States to tide over the crisis.
Additionally, NITI Aayog will hold an inter-ministerial meeting tomorrow on 11th March 2023 to review the Seasonal Influenza situation in the states and for ways to further support them in terms of public health measures, management guidelines and protocols to manage the increasing Seasonal Influenza cases.
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